01489 799766 or 07747 053489


Transform your life

Free yourself of unwanted habits, feelings & behaviours


You can start living the life you always dreamt of

The beautiful butterfly, featured on these pages, is a symbol of personal transformation. It represents the work we do here to change lives … for the better.

The caterpillar crawls on its belly and is limited in what it can do. It cries out for change to lead a better life. So it goes through a process of transformation…the cocoon stage. And then it emerges as a colourful butterfly which can fly freely.

With the help of powerful hypnotherapy, NLP and counselling techniques we can help you to live the life of your dreams.

You deserve freedom from fear, bad habits and limitations … and to be a butterfly in your own life!

Transform your life with hypnotherapy

Healing the past

Healing the past means letting go of painful memories and programmes that sabotage your life.

Sometimes the wounded child needs positive healing. This can be achieved through embracing the wounded part of you and reframing your attitude to incidents that leave you stuck in the past.

I help clients move on through releasing deep-seated emotions, the inner critic and forgiving those in their lives who have wronged them. Forgiveness is never about condoning bad behaviour; it is all about giving the client power over the situation because holding feelings of anger towards others can cause you harm.

The best thing about the past is that it is over … Don’t let the past get in your eyes!

First or one-off session - £60, subsequent sessions* - £50

Call me for an appointment on 01489 799766

Letting go of limiting beliefs

Root out those limiting beliefs that hold you in a place of fear.

We can find out where they come from and decide whether we need them any more.

It is a case of Who said so? and Why should we believe them?

Negative conditioning and programming does not serve your life. You can now decide what serves you to live the life of your dreams. If it doesn’t serve you then it is time to wave goodbye to it.

Limiting beliefs stop you from being happy, and from attracting the things that you desire in your life.

They are the weeds in your garden. They need to be plucked out so that the flowers can grow!

Using powerful techniques for positive change

Together we can programme your mind for positive change … taking on board the goals and aspirations that will give you a happy fear-free life.

There are some powerful techniques we can use together:

  • Hypnotherapy to reprogramme the unconsious mind to flag up positive experiences; you will feel energised again
  • Life coaching to establish your short term and long term goals in all aspects of your life, including emotional, health, work and money
  • Mind programming techniques from Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Powerful visualisation techniques
  • Exercises that will enable you to recognise and to love yourself as the magnificent person you are.

The help you need is most probably just one phone call away! Call me now on 01489 799766  or 07747 053489

How I can help

Through the three basic steps above we can work together to address any number of the challenges affecting your ability to be lead a happy and successful life

  • Anger management
  • Anxiety
  • Bad habits
  • Blushing
  • Depression
  • Driving test nerves
  • Eating disorders
  • Exam nerves
  • Fear of flying
  • Fear of spiders
  • Inner child issues
  • Insomnia
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Low self-confidence
  • Low self-esteem
  • Nail biting
  • Pain management
  • Panic attacks
  • Phobias
  • Public speaking
  • Quit smoking
  • Relationship issues
  • Relaxation
  • Sexual problems
  • Social anxiety
  • Sports performance
  • Stress management
  • Tinnitus
  • Weight control

I use powerful and proven hypnotherapy and counselling techniques  to help you heal the wounds of the past, let go of limiting beliefs and transform your life.

Happy Clients

Some of those I have helped

I have helped many people to give up smoking for good. To learn how to control their weight, their fears and phobias. And to step out of anxiety and wave goodbye to panic attacks, insomnia, stress and worry.


I promised to let you know how my exam went. I passed it. The work we did was very useful.

Exam Stress

Thank you for your help when we most needed it.

Relationship Problems

Me and my hubby were hypnotised by you about 12 years ago and we haven’t smoked since.


Your session for my fear of spiders has helped me loads. Thank you.

Fears and Phobias

I haven’t touched a cigarette since our session and better still don’t feel any urge to either


I have seen a huge improvement and can now sleep easily. Many thanks.


Four years on I am still reaping the benefits of the sessions so many thanks for that.

Anxiety and Depression

Many thanks again for the huge difference you have made to my life.

Anxiety and Depression

A few years ago you helped me successfully quit smoking in just one session. Thank you.


Thank you for all your help. I do genuinely believe my sessions have aided me into stopping gambling and improving my life.

Gambling Addiction