01489 799766 or 07747 053489



I have helped many people to give up smoking for good. To learn how to control their weight, their fears and phobias. And to step out of anxiety and wave goodbye to panic attacks, insomnia, stress and worry.

Here is what a few of them have to say about their experiences.


I visited you over a year ago, had two sessions and went on to lose three to five stones. I was very impressed.

Weight Control

Many thanks again for the huge difference you have made to my life.

Anxiety and Depression

Thank you for all your help. I do genuinely believe my sessions have aided me into stopping gambling and improving my life.

Gambling Addiction

Four weeks on and I haven’t had a cigarette. Having smoked for 40 years I thought the hold was so ingrained. I am so happy to say “Not any more”.


I have managed to lose just over a stone by Christmas. I hope you have been kept busy with all my friends and work colleagues who wanted to know how I had done it.

Weight Control

I promised to let you know how my exam went. I passed it. The work we did was very useful.

Exam Stress

The hypnotherapy has really helped me and definitely works. I would like to say thank you for what you have done for me.

Anxiety and Depression

About three years ago I had two sessions with Nick for weight control which I found really helpful and did achieve a substantial loss – about 21 pounds.

Weight Control

I came to see you just before Christmas to get help sleeping. I just wanted to say that the session worked really well and I am sleeping better than I have done in 20 years.


Thanks to you I now feel so much more relaxed and I can feel my confidence starting to return. I will recommend you to others.

Anxiety and Depression

A few years ago you helped me successfully quit smoking in just one session. Thank you.


Your session for my fear of spiders has helped me loads. Thank you.

Fears and Phobias

My driving is a lot better and now I am only a little nervous when I come to make a journey. It is a huge improvement.

Fears and Phobias

Four years on I am still reaping the benefits of the sessions so many thanks for that.

Anxiety and Depression

Thank you for all the help and guidance you have given me. You have been very sincere and caring at all times which meant a lot to me. You knew all along that I could do it and your patience and belief in me never faltered. I have taken control of my life and I am eternally grateful.

Anxiety and Depression

I got married last month…felt lovely and calm throughout, even when I gave my speech.

Public Speaking

I have seen a huge improvement and can now sleep easily. Many thanks.


Me and my hubby were hypnotised by you about 12 years ago and we haven’t smoked since.


I haven’t touched a cigarette since our session and better still don’t feel any urge to either


I have had good results from the past two sessions for anxiety and will definitely be back soon.

Anxiety and Depression

After my session with you I have found an inner calmness and confidence that I haven’t had for many years.

Anxiety and Depression

I came to see you about a year ago about my fear of being sick (emetophobia). I managed to reduce my panic attacks and since then I have been much calmer.

Fears and Phobias

Thank you for a really useful session. The difference was incredible.

Fears and Phobias

I came to you about six years ago to help with my fear of thunder and lightning. My fear went away and I was even able to drive during a thunderstorm.

Fears and Phobias

I had given up on psychologists and mental health professionals. I was in despair. It was my third episode of depression and tablets had just left me with side effects that made me feel even more unhappy. There seemed to be no escape until I found Nick Ralls at Aisha Hypnotherapy.

After my first visit I felt as if a huge black cloud had been lifted from my life. The bad thoughts went away and although it was not a quick fix I made steady progress to a full recovery. There has been no recurrence of the bad feelings and I have remained on an even keel ever since.

Anxiety and Depression

I haven’t eaten any chocolate since our session. So thank you.

Weight Control

I am pleased to report the presentation went very well. I was very happy with the feedback from the audience which was all positive. Thank you for all your help.

Public Speaking

I asked questions during the conference and felt very confident. Thank you for all your help.

Public Speaking

Thank you for your help when we most needed it.

Relationship Problems