01489 799766 or 07747 053489


Contact me

Confidentiality assured

You are welcome to telephone during the daytime, evening or at weekends (both Saturday and Sunday) in order to arrange appointments.

Call me

01489 799766 or 07747 053489

For reasons of strict confidentiality, and the need to make appointments myself, I do not use reception staff.

I have an answering machine to take your call if I am in an appointment; please leave your number and I will get back to you quickly, normally within a couple of hours.

Alternatively you can email direct or through the contact form, either with your questions or specifying suitable times and I will confirm an appointment in the same way.

Find me at

66a St John’s Road
Hedge End
Southampton SO30 4AG

Let Me Help

I have many clients whose lives have positively changed after seeing me. Why not join them?


If you would prefer an no-obligation initial consultation (free of charge) I would be happy to arrange it; this is a chance for us to meet and discuss things – it will not involve any therapy or hypnosis. Some clients wish me to leave suitable time for a full appointment after an initial consultation, should they decide to go ahead, which is always their choice of course.

I am happy to arrange either daytime or evening appointments for your convenience.


My aim is to offer sessions at a price you can afford.

  • Stop Smoking, one session £95
  • Lose Weight, two sessions £90, payable after the first session
  • Transform Your Life, first or one-off session £60, subsequent sessions on the same matter £50

Sessions are one hour long, but there is no extra charge if we overrun.

Payment is by cash, cheque or bank transfer at the time of the appointment (I regret that I cannot take card payments).

I use powerful and proven hypnotherapy and counselling techniques  to help you heal the wounds of the past and prepare your mind for positive change.

Happy Clients

Some of those I have helped

I have helped many people to give up smoking for good. To learn how to control their weight, their fears and phobias. And to step out of anxiety and wave goodbye to panic attacks, insomnia, stress and worry.


Many thanks again for the huge difference you have made to my life.

Anxiety and Depression

I came to see you just before Christmas to get help sleeping. I just wanted to say that the session worked really well and I am sleeping better than I have done in 20 years.


Your session for my fear of spiders has helped me loads. Thank you.

Fears and Phobias

I asked questions during the conference and felt very confident. Thank you for all your help.

Public Speaking

I haven’t eaten any chocolate since our session. So thank you.

Weight Control

I came to see you about a year ago about my fear of being sick (emetophobia). I managed to reduce my panic attacks and since then I have been much calmer.

Fears and Phobias

About three years ago I had two sessions with Nick for weight control which I found really helpful and did achieve a substantial loss – about 21 pounds.

Weight Control

After my session with you I have found an inner calmness and confidence that I haven’t had for many years.

Anxiety and Depression

Thank you for your help when we most needed it.

Relationship Problems

Four years on I am still reaping the benefits of the sessions so many thanks for that.

Anxiety and Depression